Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Can Do It | Yes I Can

Need a little push to get started on a project, try a new fitness routine, face a daunting challenge, or simply stick to your diet? When you set your sights on a goal, you also have the power to make it come true (within reason, of course—don’t expect a marriage proposal from Henry Cavill anytime soon). No need to wait for a magical external factor—a performance bonus, a trip to the beach, a better boss/boyfriend—to drag us off our butts and into action. We are already equipped with key character and personality traits to motivate us to be the best we can be—we just need to reach inside and draw upon them as needed. 


One of its many definitions is “to propel in a specified direction.” No wonder many successful people always seem to be in a state of constant motion even when they’re perfectly still—they emanate incredible energy and make things happen. It’s that burning passion to accomplish things, to achieve, to excel. 

Your drive is what jump starts ideas or projects, and when paired with determination, also what keeps you going. 


Courage gives us the ability to face our fear. It’s the inner cheerleader that tells us, “You can do it!” Whether it’s speaking in public, jumping off a cliff, or greeting an ex with a smile on our face, call on courage to help you brave life’s exciting challenges and dreadful ordeals. 

If courage makes us fierce like a lion, strength keeps us solid as a rock, unbreakable in the face of adversity. It’s strength that makes us weather all storms, helps us keep it together in pain and grief, and imbues moms with a superhuman ability to multitask while battling wrinkles and dry skin. When you need extra powers to get you through all the challenges of the day, big or small, channel your inner woman of steel. 

While intelligence helps us do the smart thing, wisdom helps us do the right thing, at the right time. It’s knowing intuitively when to listen to your head, and when to give in to your heart. Wisdom usually comes from experience, knowledge, and good judgment—though young children with brutal honesty and no agenda can often have the most astute observations about life and people. Once you are called wise, you strive to be worthy of the word, and are motivated to keep making the right (and fair and just) decisions. 

Though patience seems like such a passive trait, it’s the fraternal twin of strength. Hone this trait like a superpower, and you will never be stressed out by trivial things (traffic, gossiping colleagues) so you can simply focus on your goals. Patience also helps you deal with challenges calmly and with control; but make sure you know the difference between being patient and being a doormat (i.e., know when to quit trying to work things out and leave that abusive job or relationship). 

Determination and Willpower 

These almost interchangeable traits are the building blocks to success. Too many brilliant people have crashed and burned because they give up too easily, feel entitled and expect success to be handed to them on a silver platter, or are simply lazy. But the industrious soul with these traits will get up no matter how many times she falls down, humbly learn and grow from mistakes, and patiently keep at it until she reaches her goal. So let’s do another round of squats, shall we?

Do you see the glass half full or half empty? Optimism is the ability to view things/people/situations in a positive light, and firmly believing that everything can and will be better. 
This confident, optimistic spirit is contagious, and also tends to motivate those around you. In business, though the goal is to “Do it right the first time,” it’s always good to have a tiny bit of the pessimist in you to play devil’s advocate, so that you always have a Plan B. 

Don’t only aim to be successful—strive to be good. To others AND yourself. Always put yourself in other people’s shoes, but don’t forget to take care of yourself, for when you’re at your personal best, you can serve other people better. And when you can merge personal achievements with the ability to positively affect other people’s lives, even in your own small way, that is the ultimate measure of success. Live beautifully!

source of the contents (pictures not included in the original article)

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