Monday, June 22, 2015

What An Amazing 7 Years_Happy Anniversary Honey

Hello Honey,
June 28, 2008
To say that “I love you” doesn’t really begin to explain my feelings for you. As years goes by, our love for each other has grown deeper and stronger. When we got married 7 years ago, we didn’t know what the future would hold, but we were excited and confident that whatever it was, we would do it together. And yes, we have! But it hasn’t always been easy. When I think back to our wedding day, I think about how full of hope and love and excitement we were. I think of how we envisioned our lives–and there was nothing hard about it! We were so naive! We had no idea!
What a journey it’s been!
It is no secret we’ve had our tough times and we are tested always, but with God’s grace, we are better than we’ve ever been, our faith in Him grew stronger and deeper. Putting God really as the primary center of our relationship is the best decision we’ve made in our lives as a couple. He helped us overcome and continue to overcome and surpass every situation we faced that resulted us to feel more closer, more comfortable, and much more happier with one another.
Sweetums Moment
I hope to continue to grow in our relationship until our last days. I continually pray that I can be the best wife to you; always loving, supportive and encouraging. To always respect your authority and honor your role as a provider and protector in my life. I will continue to work on some of my lapses and be better for our marriage.
Despite some petty fights and individual stubbornness, I’d say we’ve had an amazing 7 years! Us traveling together is one hobby that I’m always looking forward. We always try to make sure that we do everything together. We’ve been here and there, living our trademark as the “lakwatsera couple”. This makes our relationship more fun and alive. We’ve made big and small decisions as a team, we’ve made new friends and shared lots of good times with those new and old.
But most importantly, we’ve learned to love each other unconditionally. You make it so easy to love you more and more everyday.
Our Boracay Sunset Kiss
You know what, there are so many reasons why I love you so…
Let’s start with…you being true, grounded and calm. That in the midst of turmoil in our lives, I can lean on you and feel comfort and safety in your arms. You can be my rock and my safe place. I can trust you with my crazy ideas, fears and dreams. You’re very positive and hopeful about our future, treating every situation as a chance of opportunity and blessing from our Almighty God. Honey, You are a good person. You are so loyal and supportive in every way, making me such a happy wife.
You have ambitions. You are a fair, humble, non-judgmental people person that is why your company and your team loves and respects you, you want your company to always succeed, holding things up in high esteem. I’m confident that you are a huge asset making you an ideal employee or a boss to any business
His Celeb Twin – Derek Ramsey :)
People might not know but you are also a fun person with lots of humor. Thanks for making me laugh ever-so frequently, by just being you – lighthearted and silly. I love all of your unexpected and out of the blue fun facts, and all of the knowledge that you hold, as random as some of it might be.
What about your strength? I am not talking about you holding me close always due to me being so clumsy. I am talking about your determination to be a better person, I admire your commitment to be all that you can be. You are eager, focused and passionate about improvement. You work hard to achieve it and I’ve watched you grow into an amazing man and husband.
You always support me. It might not always be immediately, but in the end you always back me up. It is so true what you say, that what makes me happy, makes you happy. And you show this every day. Thank you for being so good to me – loving, patient and kind.
Sweetums Moment
And here’s more… You are handsome, passionate, loving and talented???Hahaha!  You are smart. You have a big heart. You’re not afraid to cry and to show your feelings. You are a good companion. You are determined. You are generous.
You sure are something, Honey! :-).
As I look back over the past 7 years(can you believe it’s been 7 years already?!) I smile over the joys we’ve experienced and still rejoice over the tears we’ve shared specially on our continuous battle to have our own child, our own little angel. Honey, I know how you feel about it, and I truly admire your strength in facing this very sensitive waiting game of chance, that whenever we are talking about it, I see and appreciate you being so strong and always full of hope. Let’s continue to uplift one another regarding this matter and let’s not stop trying until that wonderful moment arrived. People around us might be insensitive and harsh sometimes, more often than not, choosing to discourage instead of encourage, might mock or tease us for still not having one instead of praying for us, but as long as we believe and we pray and we hold on to one another, we will be okay. In God’s perfect time everything will fall in its place. He  knows what He is doing and His plans are greater than ours. By the end of the day, you have me and I have you, our life is still imperfectly perfect, our life is still beautiful and amazing. Our own child will come into our lives in God’s most perfect time. Amen!
I like to think that the joys we experience are made much sweeter by the challenges and difficulties we’ve faced. We’ve been through so much together and together we’ve grown. I love us always appreciating one another. I’d like to say that we always did it perfectly, but that wouldn’t be true. But we have always approached each situation together, as a team. And when feelings have been hurt we have apologized and made things right in our relationship right away.
We love pictures
We love pictures
I honestly can’t imagine my life without you. Our marriage means so much to me, it is one of my greatest treasure, my source of pride, content and happiness. I love sharing this special union with you, day in and day out. I am so thankful for you, for us, and the past 7 years of my life with you.
On our 7th year wedding anniversary, I realize that we are once again completely unaware of what the next 7 or 10 or 25 or 50 or nth years may hold. But as we continue to walk down that road I know that we will be together and you will be right there holding my hand as we walk through the valleys and reach the beautiful mountaintops. And I couldn’t imagine my life any other way around. Excitedly looking forward to the next years of our lives.
I look forward to the rest of our lives together.
My prayer is for our Lord to constantly bless us and keep us; make His face shine upon us and be gracious to us; the Lord turn his face towards us and give us peace (Numbers 6:24-26), May He grant us always the favor of giving us the desires of our heart, and make all of our plans succeed (Psalm 20:4). May all of our needs be met according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). We will not fear, for the Lord is with us; We will not be dismayed, for the Lord is our God. He will strengthen us and help us, He will uphold us with His righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). God favor us and give us His overflowing grace and mercy. May we live in good health, free and healed in any form of sickness. That today and for all tomorrows to come, may we be drawn ever closer to each other and to our Lord (Ruth 1:16-17). Amen!
Happy 7th year wedding anniversary Honey. I love you very much. I made this video specially for you. I Hope you love it. I love you honey with all my heart :-)
For my husband on our Anniversary

Saturday, June 13, 2015

AirAsia Philippines_One Horrible experience

Every year we make it a point to travel together to explore a new place, to unwind, to temporarily remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the corporate world and to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary. This year, we decided to go and visit Cebu since it's just like 30 air minutes away from Davao. Well, we haven't been to Cebu as a couple and it's going to be one location crossed-out on our "Explore Philippines bucket list"

Started to browse online for possible flights and promotions, searching for best deals to save. Was able to visit the sites of Cebu Pacific, PAL and Air Asia. Air Asia during that time has the best deal and is very appealing. With excitement, grabbed the opportunity of booking a flight. Did it using their "Air Asia App". Now here's the story:

☛ Thursday: June 4, 2015
Entered all the details required and now ready for the final step of booking which is to enter our card details and pay for the flight. Followed the steps as instructed on the page, and the app just -- froze after submitting the details. It sits on "confirming your payment" page. 

☛ Friday: June 5, 2015
Went online again to manage the booking made last night and see if I already received the flight confirmation on my email and-- I can't manage the booking-- the payment is still sitting on "waiting confirmation". I got worried, so I login to my bank account and see if the payment was debited. And-- YES, the payment was debited.

My husband and I paid our bank a visit to double check any successful bank transactions for the last 24 hours (the only transaction where the card has been used is just the online booking), and the bank confirmed that we had a successful transaction with the same time and booking amount. Our bank (East West Bank) was very kind enough to print our bank statement and let us use their landline to call Air Asia Philippines. 

We waited 20 minutes on the queue just to speak with a live representative who did not even empathize for a fact that we waited on the line and having this issue with their company. I've worked in the BPO Industry for 6 years as an agent and as a Trainer, one thing that you need to have as front-liner customer support is the capability to empathize with your customer at all means. Basic. And sadly, we did not receive it on this call.

The representative said "ma'am decline ung payment nyo, kausapin nyo muna ung banko nyo tapos tawag nalang uli kayo" My blood went up to my head why?
1. No willingness to help!!!
2. We waited for 20 minutes just for her to say that we just need to callback
3. The way she said it is more of a command and not a request.
I took a deep breath and made the agent aware that I'm currently in the bank and actually using their landline. I have my bank statement to prove that it's not a declined transaction and you debited my account.  

She then ask me to email her the bank statement by going to their website, complete the e-form with the bank statement attached (another way out--remember where at the bank as of that moment). Then I need to call them back to follow-up if the form was already received. And for now, she will just give me a case number. To tell you, she is testing my patience. I don't know if I raised my voice inside the bank when I replied to the agent because the Bank Manager look at me then smiled (where in his office--Aha!), I immediately apologized to the helpful Manager. 

I then informed the agent to just stay on the line and don't hung up. (Funny thing is, I even asked her if they have an automated system that will disconnect the call when a certain period of time was reached, good thing she said that they don't have that auto feature. My postpaid provided has this feature when you call their customer service hotline, that upon reaching an hour their system will automatically disconnect your call). Determined to complete their e-form and to send her the bank statement. My options during that time is to hung up and do the form later on then call back (which is expensive) or let the agent wait on the line and look for option as to how the bank statement will be sent to my email address. I chose the second option. Gathered my confidence and approached the Manager to request if he can send the bank statement to my email address (he's my only option), the manager who is very busy with his tasks , stop his work and gladly sent me my bank statement (which is actually twice because the first one has a big file size that the e-form can't accept, so the Manager has to reduce the file size first and re-send to my email). I have to complete the e-form and access my email using my phone and my mobile internet is not also cooperating--maybe because I'm inside the bank. I have to go in and out to complete the form and then talk to the agent (spell stress). 

Finally, e-form done, bank statement sent. What's next? 

The agent only advised me that she will look into it because it is really showing as a declined transaction, acknowledging the fact that she already received the document. She provided a resolution time frame of 24-48 hours. Asked her, will someone from AirAsia give us a call regarding this? She just said, "it's much better po if kayo ang tatawag sa amin for any follow-up". She also suggested to use their chat service.

I  rest my case, been on the phone for 1.5 hours already (including the 20 min wait time) and I'm exhausted. Saved the Case Number and all and call ended. To sum up that call, I don't know...-- for me it's a wasted call, no exact resolution provided, the agent is not that helpful and excited to let go of me. The overall experience is horrible. 

Because I'm exhausted and really frustrated, my husband who is so lovable asked me out for a dinner. Still, my day ended well ❤❤❤

To date (June 14), our case is still pending. No one ever called us for an update. I'm doing my follow-up using their Chat support and FB community page. However, the response we are always receiving is, "we are still working on it, please check again". By the way our "supposed" flight is on July 11, 2015 which is just like 3 weeks from now and we can't plan for our trip that much because we are stuck on this concern. 

Part 2 of this experience will be published anytime soon or once case is closed. Really hoping that this case/complaint will be finally resolved and turn the experience around. This is our first time to book a flight with Air Asia, and so far the experience is not good.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

#JustSaying: Things You Should Never Say to a Childfree Couple

We have reached this month of the year again where "still no baby--?" will be once again another hot item for us. June is our wed month and for 7 years we are trying to conceive.  You might say, WOW, 7 years of trying? It just so happen that we are not a big fan of science and want everything to be naturally done. It might take long or until lifetime or until it's really not possible anymore or until God finally granted us the favor of having our own child that we will not stop trying. By the way, it is "child-free" and not "child-less".

Honestly, we felt a lot of pressure to start a family since day 1, some of this even from our closest relatives and friends. Pressure went 1 notch higher when my sister got married 2 years after mine and in just 1 year she conceive and give my parents their very first grandson and me a nephew which I adore and love with all my heart. Pressures we receive might be indirect, but still it's stressful and emotionally painful, just imagine, 7 years. Every occasions, family events, reunions, you're sometimes the center of their universe with the hot topic, "When are we going to have a baby" and "Really, still nothing? tsk, tsk" comments and we also reached a point in our lives where we gave up attending events and occasions. I'm sure that any person who has been trying to get pregnant knows what I'm talking about here -- it is difficult and frustrating at the same time. But it's not just those who want to have a baby who feel this way -- many childless couples get bombarded with "the whys", "the whens", and "the how comes". It can be more annoying than a hemorrhoid. But to us who are in this battle. Stay strong, more love, don't lose the faith and fight with prayer. And, come on people, be sensitive! You don't know what these couples are going through. 

Did you know also that this is one factor why I'm losing my work appetite to the extent of quitting my job. When people start to react negatively and talk about your situation-- sadly they don't know how to stop-- when your colleagues starts not to mind their own business. Yes, sometimes you wanted to share your struggles and pain and all-- to get encouragement. But when your workmates, your so-called friends, your relatives, etc becomes insensitive and harsh. It's heartbreaking.
I mean, why can't two people enjoy being married without having kids in the mix? Or why can't other people be happy still and look at things the other way around, realize and be proud to know a couple who are still madly in love with each other and standing strong together, supporting one another, despite the struggles and pain of trying to conceive. That's worth celebrating. #justsaying

Here is my list of things no childless couple ever wants to hear. That I personally don't want to hear. So please try to never say them.

1. When are you going to have kids?
Expect this question to start the minute you get married and it comes from your parents, your hairdresser, the girl at the store, and your cousin or relative who has three hundred children. It's really no one's business, right? It’s a natural question that many people want to ask because they are curious and because it seems like good small talk. But it’s nosy and intrusive and very personal. You might as well ask them when they’re planning on having sex or if she’s ovulating. It’s again none of your business, and not all couples are willing to discuss such private issues with you. Additionally, it might bring up painful issues for them, such as infertility they’re secretly struggling with or financial issues that are preventing them from having kids 
2. Are you having trouble conceiving?
Excuse the following questions: "Is your husband shooting blanks?", "Did your eggs get used up last night?" Would you EVER say that to someone? Rude. If not, then don't ask if someone is having trouble conceiving. I remember a very disrespectful colleague of mine told me before, "I'll donate my sperm to you, you know I have very good genes" then just walk away. Some people are getting way below the belt that they just don't care and they think that it's okay. Very condescending.
3. You have pets, right? It's kind of the same.
Demeaning. Pets and Humans are NOT the same!!! 
4. It's easier to be selfish when you don't have kids.
Wow. Pulling the selfish card. Hurts every time.
5. Oh, you wouldn't understand. It's more of a parent thing.
People who say this make it all more exciting to be a part of their club or association someday.
6. If you can't have them naturally, you know you can always adopt.
Stating the obvious = not necessary. Adopting a child is an option but please don't brag that option to a couple who are so determined to have their own. They will realize if adoption is needed.
7. Is it that you are just worried about what pregnancy would do to your body?
You know who says this kind of thing? Jealous people. People who are jealous of what you look like. If you hear these words though, it makes you feel like the person saying them to you thinks you are too shallow to have kids.
8. See what you have to look forward to? (When a parent is trying to calm a crying baby)
This kind of comment makes you want to say, Actually, yes, I am looking forward to that. I want to be a mom.
9. You’re Going to be a Great Mom; There’s Nothing to be Afraid Of
Why is it that so many of us assume women (or men) who are not yet parents are afraid of something?  
10. Your life will never be the same. NEVER.
The person who says this to you is clearly miserable and may even long for their own childless days too much.
11. The Clock is Ticking
This one; it’s just downright inappropriate. Why not just look at a woman and say, “You’re old, honey, you might want to get busy now before those eggs are unusable and  die,” instead of sugarcoating it like this. It’s not polite; don’t say it.
12. You’re not Getting any Younger
Please reference the above statement. Why must you point out the age of a woman? It’s not polite. Women are having babies older and older these days, so don’t assume that just because she’s 30 and not yet a mom means she’s running out of time.
13. Are you worried you would be a bad parent because of your own childhood/issues?
Low blow! Low blow! Not right.
14. You wouldn't want to bring a child into this world anyway.
15. You Don’t want a Family?
Here is something to be said about this question; what makes you so presumptuous as to assume that a childless couple needs a child to be a family? The two of them are a family; they do not need a child to make them into a family. Childless couples hate hearing this. If they’ve chosen not to have kids yet or ever, hearing this makes them feel as if you don’t consider them a family. If they don’t have kids because of circumstances out of their control, this question is hurtful in a completely different manner.
So next time, think first before you speak. It's more polite that way. If you have nothing good to say. Keep it for yourself. What's best to do? Encourage if you can and pray for them. Lastly, do them a favor, take good care of your kids because they are blessings.

